Thursday, April 11, 2013

Deborah Paris Landscape Atelier

Down here in Clarksville, Texas, studying landscape painting with master tonalist painter, Deborah Paris!  What a beautiful part of the country to be in this month as the trees turn green and frogs are croaking (It's especially sweet to be outside in the sunshine when I hear it's raining buckets back home in Washington).

  Here's a picture of Deborah's underpainting demo.  I'll post some pictures of my work from this week soon.

This is the B&B where I'm staying - built in 1880!  Lots of history around here.  Went on the Ghost Walk last Saturday night.  One of the members of the Historical Society took us on a walking tour of town to all the haunted houses!  I was freaked out at the last house.  People on the tour had ghost apps and their phones went wild!   Have you ever heard of a ghost app?

By the way, they have red cardinals down here, which I love, because they're cousins to the blue jay back home.  Love the red!  Well, it just so happens that I have acquired a recently deceased cardinal (that hit the house by accident) and I'm trying to figure out a way to bring it home so I can do a painting.  Anybody have ideas on how to get this lovely creature home?  Taxidermist?


  1. Hi lolly! Hope you had a great time at the workshop. I wish I could have joined you all but work was in the way. Hope to "see you" in another class sometime! Eden

  2. Hi Lolly, We also have red cardinals in Ohio. I agree, they are beautiful, the female is not quite as bright red, but has some lovely warm grays - I hope you get to see one. They mate for life and usually travel together - if you see the male, the female is probably somewhere close by.
    I'm looking forward to seeing some of your posts of the work you are doing in Texas.
    Enjoy and say Hi to Deborah!
