Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Portrait Sketch

Portrait Sketch of Mark  11"x11" Oil on Linen

Portrait Sketch of Mark - Profile  11"x11"  Oil on Linen
A portrait sketch is an attempt to capture the essence of the model in a limited time frame.   The artist makes sense of the essential information, including basic shapes, value structure and color notes.  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Skagit Valley Plein Air Sketches

It was a scorcher last week in the beautiful Skagit Valley of Washington.  Temperatures in the upper 90's on some days kept us scrambling for shade.  We painted in the early misty mornings and later in the afternoons, with hopes of capturing the warm light and distinctive shadow shapes of the low-to-horizon sun.

View from Margaret's House  10"x8" Oil on linen

Along the Dike - Afternoon 10"x8" Oil on linen

Along the Dike - Morning 10"x8" Oil on linen

Early Morning Mist  10"x8" Oil on linen

Misty Morning  10"x8"  Oil on linen

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Horizon

This painting was finished in June, 2012. 

New Horizon  29"x18"  Oil on Linen

Thursday, August 9, 2012


For this plein air study I used a very limited palette of titanium white, cad yellow medium, yellow ochre, Indian red, alizarin crimson permanent, ultramarine blue, viridian green and ivory black.

Bird house 7"x7" oil on linen on board

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Skull on a Fence Post

Skull on a fence post 6"x4" graphite and white chalk on toned paper

Loved this new Strathmore paper, Toned Sketch!  My friend, John Unbehend sent me a sample packet to try and I really like the surface.  Not too smooth, not too rough.

Funny thing, this skull looks like it has a baseball cap on, but, really, the "cap" is dried hide, curling up toward the sun!